Conference Takeaways

Now that the 2010 Writers’ League of Texas Conference is behind us, I’m wondering what everyone’s favorite takeaways were. Here’s my favorite eye-openers of the weekend:

  • Agents do NOT read synopses — they’d much rather read the actual book.
  • Cal Morgan of HarperCollins was a superb last-minute substitute for Carrie Kania. He reminded us that in the end, it’s all about the writing and the book.
  • The WLT’s new staff more than rose to the occasion. Jan, Bethany, Kate, and our fab interns (Bryan, Juliette, Kaitlin, and Ashley) rocked!

What words of wisdom, tips, or advice struck you? We invite you to share them here at the blog or on Facebook.

And if you want to relive the conference in pictures, here’s a link to photographer Deanna Roy’s website! (Pictured at right: Agent Alex Glass of Trident Media)

— Posted by Cyndi Hughes

Post-Conference Doggerel

The just in from WLT member John Vanston!

The 2010  Writers’ League of Texas Agent Conference

If “sold out” is the measure.
Of a meeting real success,
Then the recent writers conference
Gets A–Plus on the test.

There were editors and agents,
Who gave writers sage advice?
Their words of wit and wisdom
Were worth more than twice the price.

The editors were Horowitz,
DiTiberio, and May,
McCabe, and Mary Colgan.
All gave advice for us to weigh.

There were seventeen experienced agents
Too many here to name,
But each one had suggestions
To lead us all to fame.

They addressed books for senior readers,
For kids and young adults.
Each one has rules to follow,
To get profitable results.

For those who took the boat ride,
They saw hoards of Austin bats.
In addition to watching flyers,
There was lots of time for chats.

To join tacos with our twitters,
Was a truly tasty twist,
And the horsd’oeuvres in the evening
Were impossible to resist.

At our luncheon, Calvert Morgan
Gave us all ten helpful hints.
He didn’t speak in jargon,
But with lots of common sense.

There were many rapt attendees
Who write books of every sort,
But the common bond between them,
Is they write straight from their heart.

For all of us who’ve volunteered,
To join the writers ranks,
We must give Cyndi and her crafty crew
Our very grateful thanks..