Annette Lucksinger has been a member of the Writers’ League of Texas since April and is registered for one of our fall classes. She lives in Austin, TX.

Annette Lucksinger

Scribe: In what genre(s) do you write?

Annette Lucksinger: As an instructor at St. Edward’s, I have written academic articles, in addition to short essays and the new guidebook Exploring Austin with Kids.

Scribe: What authors would you like to have coffee or a beer with and which beverage?

AL: Coffee with E.B. White for advice on character development and concise writing. Outdoor lunch with Edward Abbey and Aldo Leopold, a cooler of ice-cold session beer in tow. And I’d love to talk religion late into the night with Fyodor Dostoyevsky over pitchers of craft beer.

Scribe: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what book would you want to have with you to keep you sane?

AL: I’m not so sure it would keep me sane . . . but I could read Don Quixote de la Mancha over and over and over again. I might hope for the Spanish version, for added challenge. And Swiss Family Robinson to inspire me.

Scribe: What have you learned from your association with the Writers’ League?

AL:The Writers’ League has shown me that there is much more to being an author than writing. It also requires dabbling in blogs, business, marketing, presentational speaking, teaching, and design. But it’s also become pretty clear that first and foremost is the love of writing (for better or worse) that keeps authors growing and working to perfect their craft.

Scribe: Where do you see your writing taking you (or you taking it) in the future?

AL: I’m currently researching a local historical figure for a children’s book, which will be very new for me. And I expect updating Exploring Austin with Kids, for a possible second edition, will keep me on my toes as the city continues to change at breakneck speed.

Scribe: Is there anything else about you that you would like to share with the world? An opportunity for blatant self-promotion!

AL: If you would like a copy (or two!) of Exploring Austin with Kids: Over 100 Fun Things to Do with the Family, order a copy of the guidebook before December 31st and you can purchase a second copy at half off for a friend. Enter “HoHoHo” as the promotion code: The book is also available as a mobile app and includes lots of fun upcoming holiday events!

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