Meet the Members: Ed Fischer

“The WLT has great online classes, informative newsletters and support/coaching for new writers.”

— Ed Fischer 

A member of the Writers’ League since October, Ed has lived most of his life in the state of confusion. He currently lives in Dallas. 

Scribe: In what genre(s) do you write?

Ed Fischer: I’m new to creative writing. I’m writing creative non-fiction/memoir now. 

Scribe: What author would you most like to have a drink with, and what’s the first question you would ask them? 

EF: I’m not sure what they drink in South Africa but I’d love to have a drink with Nelson Mandela. WLT can bring him back, right! 

Scribe: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what book would you want to have with you to keep you sane?

EF: Either an Idiot’s Guide to Climbing Palm Trees or The Book of Joy by Douglas Abrams with the Dalai Lama and Bishop Tutu.

Scribe: What have you learned from your association with the Writers’ League?

EF: The WLT has great online classes, informative newsletters and support/coaching for new writers, even folks from the state of confusion.

Scribe: Where do you see your writing taking you (or you taking it) in the future?

EF: No Joke. I think it will get me killed. I actually hope it will…just not too soon… since it will mean I’m having a positive impact.

Scribe: Here at the Writers’ League, we love sharing book recommendations. What’s one Texas-related book that has come out within the past year that you couldn’t put down?

EF: I’m a fan of Longmire and Ain’t Nobody, Nobody by Heather Harper Ellett more than matches Longmire.

Scribe: Is there anything else about you that you would like to share with the world? An opportunity for blatant self-promotion! 

EF: I want to use my first book (working title: Walking for Water, Fleeing for Our Lives) as a platform to help impoverished Guatemalans in Guatemala as well as the refugees coming to the US. I expect to continue writing about Guatemalans telling their stories and pushing for policy changes with a heart and sense of responsibility for what “we” have created. My character arc shows a crazy Eddie Fischer chasing attention and adrenaline rushes before and after turning my life around.  Instead of bar room brawls and one nighters; I lived among the poor in a shantytown and then the Mayan highlands, walked from Guatemala to Philadelphia raising $350,000 for water systems, was chased through the streets of Guatemala at gun point, landed on a death squad hit list, was taken out to an isolated spot on the Mexican airport to be executed, studied to be a Catholic priest and continue to stand up to injustices and rigged economic and political systems. Oh, yes. I made a whole slew on dumb decisions too.

Thank you, Ed!

If you’re a Writers’ League member and you’d be interested in being interviewed for our Meet the Members feature, email us at for more information. It’s a great way for other members to get to know you and for you to share a bit about what you’re working on!

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